Welcome to Journey Church of the Nazarene
Our vision at Journey Naz is to help people…
CONNECT to God and to other people;
GROW in their spiritual journey with God;
SERVE each other our families and our community.
What is a Nazarene?
Our name is taken from a term that was used in the first century to describe Jesus and His followers. And it wasn’t a compliment! The town of Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown, would probably be called “Hicksville” today. It wasn’t impressive.
So the term “Nazarene” was used to describe people who were pretty ordinary. They weren’t the powerful, the elite, or the glamorous. When the rulers talked about those “Nazarenes,” they said it with sneers on their faces. Or, as one New Testament figure put it, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” (John 1:46).
So when we call him “the Nazarene,” we’re reminding ourselves that Jesus isn’t for a select group of people. He’s for everyone who seeks Him! Whether rich or poor – educated or uneducated – healthy or sick – powerful or the powerless.
That’s why we try to be the Church of the Nazarene, because “the Nazarene” came for people like you – people like us – people who seek.
For more information click HERE to visit the Church of the Nazarene denomination website.
Lead Pastor
Director of Music
Director of Children’s Ministries
Jim and Joni moved to Louisburg, Kansas in August of 2016 after Jim graduated from Nazarene Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity with emphasis in spiritual formation. Jim has filled the pulpit on numerous occasions throughout the past 10 years. He also served as an interim pastor in Michigan. Jim has been involved in youth ministries, men’s ministries, leading groups, head of the church board, and couples ministries for many years.
Jim graduated from Tennessee Temple University with a bachelor’s in psychology. Jim is certified as a SATP (sex addiction treatment provider). He offers individual and group counseling. He is also pursuing his Ed.D. in pastoral counseling.
Jim loves to read even when not in school. He considers himself a movie buff and enjoys playing pickleball and working out. Building relationships and counseling are passions of his.
Joni has been involved in youth ministries, women’s ministries and couple ministries for many years. She was on staff as a youth pastor, worship arts director and administrative pastor for 3 1/2 years. Joni also attended Tennessee Temple University which is where she and Jim met. She completed her studies at Nazarene Bible College.
Joni works full-time at AssistRx in Overland Park. She and Jim have one grown daughter who is married with two kids and lives in Harrisonville, Missouri. They have been married for 42 years. They have two dogs, Molly and Chevy who keep their home lively.
Joni’s passions include leading, singing and listening to worship music. She enjoys crafting and collecting vintage home décor. She also enjoys reading for fun when she has time.

What We Believe…
In the essentials, we have unity.
In the non-essentials, we have liberty.
In all our beliefs, we show love.
We are a part of a global denomination called the Church of the Nazarene, which was founded in 1908. As an expression of the holiness movement and its emphasis on the sanctified life, our founders came together from different denominations to form one people. Utilizing evangelism, compassionate ministries, and education, the church went forth to become a people of many cultures and tongues.
For more information, please check out the official Church of the Nazarene website HERE
Why We Do What We Do…
People who have lost their way in life matter to God, and so these people – our sons, daughters, dads, moms, friends, co-workers – matter to us. Luke 19:10; 1 Timothy 2:1-4
God has handcrafted each one of us to play a role in God’s story of bringing people back into right relationship with God. Ephesians 2:10
God commands us to make disciples of Jesus, who make disciples of Jesus, who make disciples of Jesus, which ultimately makes this world a more godly place. Matthew 28:18-20
How Journey Naz thinks and lives:
Most people who attend would describe us as casual, authentic and welcoming.
Whether you’ve been around church your whole life or this is a brand new journey, we have a place for you.
Here you’ll find lots of ways to get connected, from serving in our community to joining a small group.

We are Holy Spirit-filled, big thinking,
risk takers.
We will never insult God with small thinking and safe living.

We are a new start church with a big vision.
We are a relationship-driven church that lives life together as we play our role in Gods story of bringing healing and restoration to our world.

We are creative in reaching out to people who are not following Jesus.
To reach people no one is reaching, we will have to do things that no one else is doing.

We will lead the way with irrational generosity.
We believe that it is more enriching to give than to receive.

We will have fun and laugh hard, loud and often.
Nothing is more fun than serving God with people you love.

We always will be committed to excellence in everything we do.
Excellence honors God and inspires people.

We will honor Jesus and His church with integrity.
If we live with integrity nothing else matters. If we don’t live with integrity nothing else matters.
The Journey Naz sermon video teaching is here to equip you to follow God.
Follow our teaching series to gain a deeper insight and knowledge of God’s Word. You will grow in your faith like never before. Jesus is the center of it all! Not by might or by power but by the Spirit of the Lord. You can listen to our sermon videos below or on our Facebook page.

Talent & Treasure
We believe giving is about our hearts, not our dollars. That’s why we never twist arms, tell sob stories, or pressure people to give. We believe God is more than able to fund His ministry, especially when His people are obedient and generous. If you’re ready to move God’s mission forward with your dollars, there are three ways to give at Journey Church of the Nazarene:
During Worship Services with cash or check.
Give a one-time gift online. Complete the “One-time” section below.
Schedule a recurring online gift. Complete the “Recurring” section below.
Journey Church of the Nazarene
14 W. Amity St. Louisburg, KS
Telephone: 1.913.777.1885
Email: journeynaz1@gmail.com